Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 2:5
There is a popular term in business called corporate culture. In the 1960s and 70s, no organization demonstrated this better than IBM. They had a reputation for taking care of their employees from the cradle to the grave. IBM employees from the mailroom to the CEO worked together with a shared mission and vision. Everyone was required to dress professionally, dark suits, white shirts, wingtips for the men, and similar attire for the women. All of this was part of the IBM image.
As disciples of Christ, we also share in a type of corporate culture. We, by baptism, are incorporated into Christ's body. In Christ, we are cared for from cradle to beyond the grave. As his people, we have a shared mission and vision. Our vision is to restore God's kingdom here on earth by seeking righteousness and justice. Our mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. Our dress code, come as you are -- no formal dress attire required. In short, our image is that of Christ, being of the same mind, heart, and ministry.
Precious and loving God, we give you thanks for sending your Son Jesus. In him, we have the most perfect example of how we are to live. Please help us each day to be of the same mind as Jesus Christ. Fill our hearts with love, and guide our steps that we may bring others to you. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor Tim