His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. - 2 Peter 1:3 NIV
This verse is one of those that floors you. The language captures the essence of Peter, simple, bold, and straightforward; no similes, metaphors, or hyperbole. A simple man, stating things simply. But in his direct way, he captures the workings of the Holy Spirit beautifully in our lives.
When we respond to God's grace, we are filled with all the power we need to live as Christ -- His Divine Power! He replaces our faulty worldly compass with one that points us to the true north; it guides and directs us in godly paths. God does this out of his love, that we can leave behind evil and rejoice in the divine. We become restored in his likeness.
Almighty God, we give thanks for your grace and divine power. Filled with your Holy Spirit, we have everything we need to defeat evil. Lord, as we go throughout our day, help us to use this special gift. So we may reject temptation and keep our hearts and minds fully on the divine. Amen.
Pastor Tim
