"Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock." Isaiah 26:4 ESV
Many years ago, on one of our trips to New Hampshire, I remembered seeing The Old Man of the Mountain. The five ledges making up the face had been there thousands of years, but the profile changed in May of 2003. After years of erosion, the ridge making his forehead finally collapsed.
Unlike the Old Man, God is an everlasting rock impervious to the elements. His solidity is unchanged. Everlasting is a hard concept for us to grasp. The natural order of our existence is that things end. We are accustomed to the finite. When we put our trust in God, we move from the world of finite to infinite. In Christ, our hope is eternal.
When you hear someone talk about going through a difficult time, they often say that someone was their rock. It was that person they knew they could turn to for a sympathetic ear and support. For Christian’s God is our rock, our unshakable foundation. We can rely on his infinite solidity as a place of stability and refuge.
God, we give you thanks for the natural beauty of the earth you gave us. As we pause and look around, we notice the changes. Wildfires destroy forestlands, hurricanes change our shorelines, and rain and cold erode our mountains. Still, your beauty remains. We give thanks for being our never-changing rock. You are consistent in our natural world of changes. We look to you today for strength and guidance. Help us to share with others the joy and hope found in a relationship with you. Amen.
Pastor Tim
