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My Call Story

Everyone who is a disciple of Christ has a call story. Chances are no two are the same; we come from diverse backgrounds and have experienced different things – good and bad, all of which make us who we have become. More than that, God uses our experiences to make us who we are as followers. So here is my call story to be a disciple. 

Like many, my spiritual journey began as a child attending church with my family. We attended a Pentecostal church near our home in Bloomington, Indiana. I accepted Christ at an early age and was baptized. I was active in the church choir, band, and youth group throughout my teen years. One of the things I most enjoyed about the Pentecostal experience was the vibrant music and lively worship.

In 1989, my wife Janice, a life-long Methodist, and I began looking for a church. One Sunday we visited Pearl Street United Methodist Church. That was it! We were touched by the warmth and love of the congregation. A short time later, we joined as members and have been here ever since, raising our two sons, Kirk and Jordan, in the church. Who would have known that some 30 years later, I would be serving here as the pastor? But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Over these years, God has provided me with some beautiful chances to grow spiritually and serve. One of these opportunities, and a significant influencer on my decision to pursue ministry, has been the privilege of ministering to Brockton’s homeless and marginalized population for the last seven years. The experience has blessed me in so many different ways, and it has given me a chance to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with folks desperate for words of hope and love.

While I felt something drawing me towards ministry, I was not convinced that it was God calling me. But, after a time, that still small voice of the Holy Spirit kept knocking on my door – unwaveringly, consistently – until, at last, I could no longer ignore the calling. So, in 2018, with the support of Janice and our boys, I left the corporate world to pursue God’s calling as a Licensed Local Pastor in the United Methodist Church.

It is my privilege to serve as pastor in this beautiful City of Brockton and this faith community. I look forward to meeting you and hearing your call story and traveling on this journey with you.



Pastor Tim

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