Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10 NIV
The people you meet are among the many blessings of working with a homeless ministry, the good folks needing extra help and the volunteers' God has led to this ministry. We thank each volunteer for their love, gifts, and graces. One family, in particular, has been with us for several years. At their business, they collect needed items for the mission and donate baked goods each week. In addition, their four young children make gift bags for Christmas, bagged lunches, and volunteer in person.
This example of caring for each other is what the Apostle Paul has in mind. We are to be compassionate, generous, and selfless. In giving, we place the welfare of others before ourselves. We do this not for the recognition or chalking up points for the hereafter (it doesn't work that way) but from the heart and in God's love. It is not to be done with human calculation but an automatic and reflexive outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In doing this, we recognize God's abundant and amazing grace and share its bounty with others.
This spirit is not to be confined to just our giving but in all our actions. In truly loving the other–other implies anyone who is not ourselves–we exhibit the heart of Christ. Our eyes become opened to injustice in all its forms. The Holy Spirit leads us to stand for justice and mercy.
Abundant God, we give thanks for your love and compassion. We acknowledge you are the source of all good gifts. We confess we have not loved as we should and have not cared for others as we should. Forgive us and create new hearts of compassion, generosity, and selflessness. May our actions reflect the Holy Spirit. We ask this through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Pastor Tim
