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God's Blessing

Writer's picture: timothyrsoutherntimothyrsouthern

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. Number 6:24-25 NKJV

At the end of the service of most churches, the congregation is sent forth with a blessing. It is more than a liturgical ending to the service. It reminds us of how God is ever present in our lives. Today's verses come from the blessing given to Moses by God, to be spoken over Israel," Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, 'This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them:'" (Nu. 6:23). The blessing is timeless. It serves as a reminder of God's love for us.

God blesses us and keeps us. We understand what it means to be recipients of God's blessings; leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday, much emphasis was placed on recalling His many gifts. But what does it mean to be kept? To be kept by God means we are His cherished children. As our loving heavenly parent, He comforts, encourages, and protects in ways our best-intentioned earthly parents cannot.

God makes his face shine upon us. As our good parent, He is well pleased when we heed his advice and live as He desires. He wants us to live without anxiety and fear, trusting wholly in Him. It was with His face turned towards us that the Father sent His Son to do for us what we could not do for ourselves: overcome the slavery to sin and death. In looking upon His shining face, we desire to please the Father by not sinning.

Our Father is gracious, showering upon us mercy, forgiveness, and compassion.

God's countenance is upon us. In sending the Helper, the Holy Spirit, His presence is ever with us. Whether we want to say thank you or ask for His help, we don't have to wait for Sunday morning service but can turn immediately to the Father wherever we are; He is there.

God gives us peace. His peace is different from the world's peace. It is the peace of the word shalom, a state of wholeness and well-being. It is the inner peace we experience as God's children when the world around us is filled with chaos and turmoil.

Gracious Father, We come before you today, seeking your blessings and protection. We pray that you will shine your face upon us and be gracious. May you turn your countenance toward us and give us peace. We know you are a good and loving God, and we trust your promises. We believe you will always be with us, no matter what we face. Please bless us with your guidance and strength. Please help us walk in your ways and live according to your will. Fill our hearts with your love and peace. We thank you for your love and mercy. We pray that you will continue to watch over and guide us in all we do. In the name of your Son, Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen.


Pastor Tim

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