Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. Isaiah 25:1 NIV
Read Isaiah 25:1-12
The iconic opening line of George Lucas' Star Wars—“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”—sets the stage for the epic space opera that unfolds across the saga. The bold yellow print set against the black sky sprinkled with stars scrolls into the background gives the sense of timelessness, the current time–our time–giving away to the story of galactic struggle. At the same time, we have this visual sensation, and our ears are stimulated by the memorable symphonic theme by John Williams.
Isaiah 25 celebrates God’s power, justice, compassion, and the promise of a restored world. From its heartfelt opening verse, while the words don’t do an opening crawl with music (or maybe they do), they stir our souls with anticipation. As worshippers, we acknowledge God’s faithfulness and truth, recognizing His ancient counsels are unwavering and reliable, and we worship Him intentionally, not merely as an emotional response.
In verses 6-9, God unveils a glorious vision, “On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats and the finest of wines.” This banquet represents the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises—when death is swallowed up forever, tears are wiped away, and shame is removed. When we celebrate communion, this is the heavenly banquet we refer to when Christ comes in final victory, triumphing over evil and bringing abundant blessings for Israel and all nations.
This chapter inspires hope by proclaiming God’s triumph over suffering, oppression, and death. It encourages us to trust God’s ultimate plan for redemption and restoration. It invites us to look beyond our present circumstances and anticipate the day God will wipe away every tear and bring everlasting joy. Its message reminds us that God’s faithfulness endures, His judgment is just, and His promises will be fulfilled. It invites us to participate in the joyous celebration of His victory over evil and the restoration of all things.
All of this was planned long ago. In a place called heaven by our Creator God, while angelic hosts sang. Let’s join together with them in proclaiming His perfect faithfulness for all the wonderful things He has done and is yet to do.
Wonderful and Mighty God, enthroned on High, the King of the Universe, the great I Am, with grateful and throbbing hearts in great triumph, we gaze upon the splendor and majesty of Your creation. We acknowledge You with fearful and faithful awe as the One, True, Ever-living, and Everlasting God, who rules us with His Mighty Hand, in perfect glory and righteousness.
Lord, You are our God; we exalt you and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness, You have done wonderful things—things planned long ago. Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth. We lift our voices in gratitude and worship, knowing You are the source of all goodness, mercy, and salvation.
May our souls continually praise You, and all within us glorify Your holy name. We wait upon You, rejoicing in our salvation, and eagerly anticipate the day of Christ’s return. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Pastor Tim
Star Wars (1977) original opening crawl.
Isaiah 25:1 - Prayers and Petitions.