The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name. Zechariah 14:9 NIV
When we think of the Bible's eschatological "end times" books, the first to mind is probably Daniel and Daniel, but the prophetic book of Zechariah also talks about the apocalypse. The revelation of what is to come is in Chapters 1-6 and 12-14, with five chapters (7-11) around morality nestled between.
The verse for today speaks of a time when "the Lord my God will come, and all the holy ones with him" (v. 5). Jesus is coming back with his army of angels. As he ascended into heaving in Acts 1:11, he will descend to the earth again for the final time. On that day, that "Christ will come again" moment we avow each time we receive communion.
On that day, the earth will acknowledge there is One Lord and One Lord only. Whatever gods people have worshipped previously, those held in spiritual belief and those constructed by human notions–all the idols we've built based on anger, arrogance, avarice, envy, and anything not of the One true God, will no longer have importance.
The One Lord walked in the cool of the day in the Garden, blessed Abraham, appeared to Moses, led the Israelites in the desert, and came in human form as Jesus Christ. He is God the Holy Spirit, who takes up dwelling in our hearts and guides us in righteousness. He is God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and it will become apparent to all on that day.
This time between Christ's departure and his return is the middle part of Zechariah–that morality section. It's about getting our spiritual houses in order and preparing for that "On That Day" moment. It's about living the life of Jesus as our supreme example, living faithfully, extending forgiveness, allowing transformation, seeking social justice, being obedient to God in all things, and offering sincere praise and worship.
Sovereign Lord, we come before You in humble adoration, acknowledging Your reign over all the earth. As Zechariah proclaimed, there will be a day when You will be the One King, and Your name will be the only worshipped name. We pray for the unity of Your kingdom, for a world that recognizes Your sovereignty, where every heart and every nation calls upon Your name in truth and grace. May Your love be the banner over us, your truth the foundation beneath us, and Your name the song within us as we prepare and await the fulfillment of Your promise. In the name of our Lord and Messiah, Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Pastor Tim