"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." Proverbs 9:10 NRSV
What does it mean to "fear the Lord?" We often hear people joke about God striking them with lightning if they do something they know is wrong. There may be references to "acts of God" covering natural disasters like floods and hurricanes in insurance policies. To fear the Lord does not mean we should go through life terrified of what God might do to us. Instead, it means to have respect and reverence for his awesomeness. When we look around us and wonder in his creation and acknowledge with thanks his many gifts, we live in fear of the Lord.
The verse goes on to say in doing this, we obtain the start of wisdom and insight into God. While we can never comprehend God’s workings, we can begin to appreciate his righteousness and holiness. Many have replaced their awe of God with other things; money, power, and knowledge in the world today. They have placed their reliance on their limited abilities instead of the wisdom that comes from God.
As Christians, we must seek the one true and holy, awesome God, for guidance in all things. Let us not blindly accept the "wisdom" of any group, leader, or party but turn to the real source of wisdom. But there is more to fear of the Lord than just knowing; once we have been shown, we must act. Standing idly by as injustice in all forms around us is happening is not an alternative.
Our Father, we come to you now in awe of your Holiness. We are only one of your creations. We acknowledge our insignificance. You took dirt, molded us, and breathed life into us. Although unworthy, and despite our many flaws, you love us unconditionally. In reverence, we come today, asking for your guidance in the day ahead and show us how we are to respond to the unjust world around us. In the name of our precious Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Pastor Tim