But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
We have become a people ever dependent on our electronic devices. While we may not grasp how they work, we certainly understand the need for the batteries to be charged. So often, when the battery icon tells us the charge is low, we frantically begin searching for a source to recharge.
We need to recharge our spiritual batteries as well. That 100% charge, we feel, on Sunday, is not enough to last through the week. Rejecting temptation is taxing and leaves us nearly depleted, with our spiritual indicators telling us "low battery." However, if we plug into God daily, we become recharged. Through meditating upon God's word, and prayer, we become renewed. With full strength, we can soar, run, and walk with confidence God is with us.
God, we thank you for the spiritual renewal found in you. May we take time out of the busyness of our days to pause and reflect on all your goodness to us. Spiritually recharged, may we go into the world to share the good news of salvation with others. Amen.
Pastor Tim
Spiritual Idea: While we wait for our phones to recharge, we recharge our spiritual batteries.
