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Rolling Stop

Writer's picture: timothyrsoutherntimothyrsouthern

But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God. John 1:12 NRSV

Several years ago, my usual route to the train station had a detour through a residential neighborhood. It was early morning; no one else was on the road–or, so I thought–and I did a "rolling stop" at one of the intersections. What I had failed to notice was the officer on a motorcycle. He let me off with a warning, saying he was there because of neighborhood complaints of others ignoring the signs.

When Jesus came, there were lots of signs–it wasn't a secret. His coming had been promised since that fateful day in the Garden, and it was reiterated through the prophets. Through his preaching and miracles, it was clear who he was–the Word made flesh. (v. 14) Yet, the people chose to ignore the signs.

"He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him." (v.10)

What was true then still happens today. So many know Christ came to save but are guilty of "rolling stops." They see the stop signs; they simply choose to ignore them. But those who recognize the signs of God in the world around them and their lives, and receive His gracious offer of salvation, are adopted as children.

Yet, others may genuinely not see the signs–though they hold a driver's license and know the purpose of a stop sign, they fail to comprehend the significance. God is in and around him, yet they fail to see what is obvious. As children of God, it is our responsibility to help them understand.

Gracious and loving Father, thank you for your Son-made flesh. In his coming, he brought salvation. Thank you for our adoption as your children. Help us help others recognize your presence in their lives and the world around us. In Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.


Pastor Tim

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