If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 NIV
I think it's fair to say we like simple things. Having survived years in information technology, I'll use a familiar example. Back in the early days of computers, we needed people to type code onto cards and submit them to a reader that would compile the code and return an answer. In the 1970s, the home user could own a personal computer (PC) and write programs to perform the same function with some training. Somewhere around 1980, PCs came with operating systems that supported clicking on icons, and you could buy programs written to get the answers more simply and quickly. Fast-forward to today, when anyone can buy a watch that puts to shame the device Dick Tracey wore on his wrist. No training is needed, no instruction manual; you strap it on and start using it. Simple.
Jesus came to make the complicated and complex simple. He replaced that need for animal sacrifice by giving his blameless life for our sins, and he became our high priest. One we can access directly, who understands human frailty and fallibility, and intercede with the Father on our behalf. The pathway to salvation has been made simple, confess our sins and believe in him. We can do this anywhere and at any time. All it takes is a yielding of our hearts.
As followers of Christ, we know it doesn't end there. That is the beginning of a lifelong learning journey to live as Christ. Like all simple things, the practice of the thing is the tricky part. For example, owning a smart watch and using it as only a watch isn't the same as taking advantage of all its features. We need to spend time growing into the simplicity of the design.
Loving Father, thank you for sending your Son Jesus to offer us your simple plan of salvation. Help us to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we live into Christ's righteous example. Amen.
Pastor Tim