For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Romans 10:10 NIV
Think back to the early days of a romantic relationship. The first day you met, there may not have been a spark, but certainly, there was enough interest to see the person again. So you went out on a first date, then another, and the next thing you know, you're spending every day with this special someone. The fondness has grown, you can't imagine life without this person, yet you've been hesitant to say those three words, "I love you." Although your heart has already committed, you haven't professed your feelings.
Coming to accept Jesus is like that. We have felt a growing fondness towards him, and we're pretty sure he loves us, yet we are hesitant to take that final step. The relationship is raised to a whole different level in professing our love for him. In the profession of our heart's desire, we enter a commitment.
Fear often keeps us from the final step of commitment. However, taking that step means full acceptance of the other person and likely requires us to make changes ourselves. More than putting down the toilet seat and picking up our dirty clothes, with Christ, we are committing to putting aside sin. In saying "I love you" to Christ, we pledge to make him the priority in our lives above all else.
In return, we receive Christ's love through salvation. Christ sends the Holy Spirit to help us make the right decisions and the strength to stand against adversity. His love is with us throughout our human lives but doesn't end there: it's an eternal commitment.
Father God, we thank you for Jesus Christ our Savior and the Holy Spirit our Helper. Help us to remember the love you show us and give us the courage to respond, "I love you." Help us to live into our commitment, living according to your will and sharing your love with others. Amen.
Pastor Tim
