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Tough Mudder

"Blessed is anyone who endures temptation. Such a one has stood the test and will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him." James 1:12 (NRSV)

For the weekend warriors, there's a relatively new and growing sporting event called the Tough Mudder. It is an obstacle course commonly around 3 miles (5K) in length. Impediments differ but include crawling, climbing, hurdling, and running. As the name suggests, mud is involved. Anyone who has endured armed forces basic training will be able to identify with the event, but instead of drill sergeants barking orders, you have fans cheering you on. I admit this is one of my “bucket list” items.

We may never participate in a Tough Mudder, but we all face obstacles in life; trials and temptation are our deterrents. Sometimes our hurdles are just the everyday things that come in life, they’re not pleasant, but neither are they unexpected. At other times, Satan gets involved; he gets out the hose to ensure we’re wading through the most bottomless mire and lowers the barbed wire so it seems impossible to crawl through–whatever he needs to do to exploit our weaknesses.

But our joy comes in endurance; there’s a beginning, the hard stuff in the middle, and an end. God is with us each step of the way, encouraging and cheering us on toward the finish line. At the end of our spiritual tough mudder, our reward is not just an event t-shirt or participation medal but a crown of life. Now that is something to get excited about!

God, we give you thanks for the promise that comes from endurance. You want us to succeed so badly that you sent your Son to atone for our sins. You sent the Holy Spirit to us to give us the strength and courage to overcome all obstacles. We look to you to help us stand the test this day brings, and we anticipate the future crown that awaits. Amen.


Pastor Tim

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