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True Peace

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27 ESV

How many remember the Camp David Accords talks between Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin in 1978? President Jimmy Carter mediated these peace talks, which led to a peace treaty signed between the two countries. While there have been some tense moments, it has remained intact. For years before that treaty, and still today, attempts have been made to bring peace to the long-embattled Middle-East. There have been treaties signed and broken, and ceasefires held for only hours before resounding gunshots and newly launched rockets. While that has been the history, we continue to remain hopeful and pray for the day when peace will come to that region.

What we know from history is that the peace of this world is uncertain. Tensions still exist even when treaties are in place. There will always be issues of nationalism, long-held grudges born from history, and easily bruised egos in worldly peace. But the peace that Jesus brings has no strings attached. It is a calmness and restfulness given out of pure love with no conditions attached. It offers nothing but freedom. Freedom from fear and angst. Those things that worry us and weigh us down disappear.

God, we are thankful for your peace. You offer us tranquility and freedom in your love. Please help us to be your messengers of peace to the world. Let everything thing we say and do this day show others the restfulness that can be found only in you. Amen.


Pastor Tim

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