"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" Psalm 27:14 ESV
Growing up we spent every Thanksgiving Day, actually all major holidays, at our grandparents Chambers. For a couple of days beforehand, grandma would spend baking squash pies and other treats. Thanksgiving Day, she would rise early to bake the turkey, make the dressing, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, green beans, and dinner rolls. She made full use of her big double oven. Those wonderful aromas filled the air and teased our appetites as we watched the Macy's parade. While today, I can appreciate all of the hard work, and love for her family, that was put into those meals, all I could think of at that time was the waiting. How long until we could enjoy that delicious food? Sometimes waiting is so hard!
In today's scripture, David is encouraging us to "Wait for the Lord". Waiting isn't easy whether you are waiting for that tasty Thanksgiving meal or something more consequential like a job or healing. Sometimes it seems the answer may never come. In the waiting though, we need to maintain our faith, hope, and trust in God. Wait for the Lord, his answer is coming and we will see his goodness. Goodness even more satisfying than Grandma Chambers' Thanksgiving meal.
God, we give you thanks for all your goodness and your abundant gifts to us. We acknowledge we are an impatient people, a people of instant gratification. Grant us the strength to wait on you. We do not know when, or how, you will answer but we have confidence will. We ask this in the name of your precious son Jesus. Amen.