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Compassion and Kindness

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32 NIV

Each Saturday at L Street Mission, beautiful acts of discipleship happen. The Mission provides food, clothing, and toiletries are one part of what happens. The prayers, communion, and encouragement are another part. Sometimes though, things happen that are extraordinary acts of compassion and kindness. Here are just a few. Volunteers who help a person in soiled and smelly clothing get washed and changed into clean clothing. Assisting those with addiction issues get into a rehab program. Cleaning and dressing the foot wounds of a person with diabetes and providing clean socks and shoes.

What happens there each week is communion. The volunteers and guests are responding to God's grace. The elements may be a chicken and rice burrito instead of wafers and water in place of grape juice, but they are just as sacred. The essential is coming together in union with Christ and all those gathered. Christ's presence can be sensed in our midst. We feel incredibly blessed as we leave there each week; our souls have been renewed and refreshed.

But what happens at L Street is a fraction of the compassion and kindness God has shown us. He sent Jesus to forgive us our sins. While we can never do this, we can share Christ's beautiful message of love through our actions. We show his love anytime we care for the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, or prisoner ( Mt 25:35-36). Every time we share the gospel of Christ, we are responding to his grace.

Father of all grace, we thank you for all you have done for us. We confess that we often take your gifts for granted, and our actions are self-centered and selfish. Father, forgive us. Please help us remember your grace and respond with kindness and compassion to all people, especially those marginalized in our society. May our hearts be turned to selflessness in all our actions. We pray this in the name of your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Pastor Tim

If you want to volunteer at L Street Mission, we meet each Saturday from 10:00-2:00 at Central UMC in Brockton (42 L Street). Donations can be made on the Pearl Street UMC website or checks to Central UMC, 65 W Elm St, Brockton, MA 02301. Please add a notation "or L Street" online or on the check memo line.

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