“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Romans 10:17 NIV
I have great respect for farmers. It is hard work with long days, and many external factors influence what can sometimes be small profits. Not only growing conditions, but market prices, and even who sits in the White House. In a recent trip to Indiana in July, I witnessed row after row of early corn planted in April. There is an old saying by corn farmers that indicates a good crop, "Knee-high by the Fourth of July." From what I saw then, Indiana farmers were in good shape.
What does corn farming have to do with faith? First, people must know of Christ before they can have faith in Christ. How is it possible to have faith in anything that you know about? As God's farmers, it is our responsibility to plant that message. Like farming, our crops are influenced by many external factors, but that is not a reason not to sow the Good News. If we as farmers do not plant, nothing grows but the weeds liberally sown by our adversary, Satan. So, we must plant, water, and tend to God's message, and God will see to the harvest.
Precious and compassionate God, we give you thanks for the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please help us as we sow your message? Bless our efforts so others may come to have faith in you. In Jesus' name, we pray.
Pastor Tim
