Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:38 NIV
When we think of Pentecost, our minds often go to the miraculous coming of the Advocate recorded in Acts 2:2-4; the mighty wind, the image of the tongues of fire, and speaking in other languages. No less miraculous, though, is the Holy Spirit working through Peter as he delivers the first sermon that launched the early church.
While there were some doubters there–those who accused them of being drunk, the Spirit swept through the crowd, and hearts became open to the message of Christ. With convicted hearts, they inquire, "Brothers, what shall we do?” (v. 37) As a result of his response, scripture says, "about three thousand were added to their number that day." (v. 41)
The Holy Spirit draws, convicts, fills, and directs; it constantly moves within and around us. Those three thousand filled that day were in Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish festival of Pentecost; they had not come to be filled by the Holy Spirit, yet by its working, they became receptive.
What does this mean to us as Christ's followers, as his witnesses? The Spirit is already at work within our families, friends, and communities, creating a hunger to hear the good news, although they may not be fully aware. They may not be immediately receptive, and there will be doubters, but the Spirit will continue to work. Do not be discouraged. When we witness, and we must, the Holy Spirit will give us the words. We may never know how many will respond or when. Will it be three thousand in one day? Probably not, but even one person brought to Christ is one person saved. Each day is Pentecost, and we should be prepared to witness how Christ has changed our lives.
God, we give thanks for your Holy Spirit and the plan of salvation found through Jesus Christ. We confess we are sinners and recognize it is by your grace that we are saved. Fill us this day with your Holy Spirit, and help us be witnesses to others. Let all of our days be Pentecost. We ask this in your Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Pastor Tim
