Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20 NIV
Here I Am! Those words are thrilling. They don't focus on the past or future but the present – at this very moment. Christ is present and desires to come in and spend time with us. He stands knocking and calling out, so there is no confusion of who is requesting entry, "It's Jesus."
We often think of the initial invitation to accept Christ when we read this verse. What if, instead, we look at this metaphor a different way. Instead of opening and closing the door each time Jesus knocks, we leave the door open. An open invitation for him to enter like a close friend at any time. Come, sit, let's share a cup of coffee and talk. This personal Jesus wants us to share the most intimate details of our lives, and listening offers us the advice of a friend.
Jesus desires to spend time with us; we are dear to him. It is up to us. Will we ask him in? Will we leave the door open? He is here; right now, what is our decision?
God, we give thanks for your intimate love. You stand on the doorstep of our hearts right now desiring admittance. Enter, Lord, come and spend time with us, not just once but continually. Amen.
Pastor Tim
