But Jesus looked at them and said, "For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26 NRSV
Each day, the impossible is made possible because of God. People doctors were confident would die, recover and leave hospitals. Folks walk away unscathed from horrible accidents. Friends and family who have struggled with addiction seek help and begin new clean, sober lives. These and many more miracles are possible because that is what God does.
Today's verse begins with the story of the rich young ruler, who was willing to go so far but not all the way. He lived the commandments, but when Christ told him to sell all his possessions and follow him, he couldn't go that far. The actual test here wasn't about his becoming poor but his willingness to leave his comfort zone and see the potential of the possible.
Following this conversation, Jesus' perplexed disciples asked a good question, "Then who can be saved?" To which Jesus replied with the answer in today's text. We all agree we cannot save ourselves. The only way to salvation is through Jesus. With our acceptance comes a transformation; we relinquish those things that bind us, riches, addictions, pride, position–whatever it is- and fully accept the God of the possible. We are freed from those things that bound us through God's grace and mercy.
Changed by the Holy Spirit, we now see the things we once thought impossible in a new light. Of course, they're not impossible at all, but opportunities to put our faith in action. We pray for things we never prayed for before. We share the good news of Christ by word and example to those who have yet to recognize that all things are possible through God.
God of the possible, we thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for your salvation and your work in our lives. Help us to look at every situation with the eyes of what is possible through you, and grant us the courage to share this good news with others. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Pastor Tim