Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:11 NIV
If you have ever watched an episode of Star Trek, it usually involves a space battle. In preparation, the first thing Captain Kirk does is command Lieutenant Sulu to raise the shields. Although the ship is still hit, the shields help minimize the damage.
When we put on the full armor, we do the same thing. It does not stop Satan from attacking us; that is a given. We are going to experience some blows. Some of these might even feel quite damaging, but God's armor allows us to keep standing and remain in the fight. Also, God does not equip us and leave us alone, but the Holy Spirit is with us, providing strength, courage, and guidance.
Mighty God, thank you for equipping us with your love. You provide us with everything we need to stand against evil in all its forms. Though Satan may land some blows, you are with us to heal our wounds and give us courage. We will prevail because you are mightier than Satan. Amen.
Pastor Tim
