And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father's only son, full of grace and truth. John 1:14
In the beginning, before anything existed, there was a formless void. God spoke, and the first day there was light. For the next five days, he continues to create, bringing everything about by merely uttering the Word. The Word is God, and God is the Word.
In the Garden of Eden, man and woman made the unfortunate decision to reject God's goodness and his plan of salvation. Instead, they choose to decide what is right and evil for themselves. Even in that brokenness, God planned a way of salvation for the creation who had rejected him. That same Word, God himself, came in human form to fulfill that plan.
Often when we think of Jesus, we forget he is the Word, the same Word that spoke creation into existence. The awesomeness of Jesus as God, both our Creator and Savior. The God who loves us so much that he provides a way for us to heal that rift created by Adam and Eve. His desire for us is to become one in him, but it is a choice each person must make for themselves.
Awesome God, you are our Word. In you, we find healing for our brokenness. We confess that we are sinful and ask for forgiveness of our sins. We give thanks for coming in human form as Jesus in grace and truth to provide salvation. We give you all the glory. Please help today in making choices that would be pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Pastor Tim