Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalms 119:105 NIV
Most of us like a good book. We want something that captures our attention, engages our imagination, and makes us feel part of the story. If it's a wonderful story, we may read the book more than once. Some books are classics that endure the test of time, and others have a brief life.
The Word of God is in a different category altogether because it's more than a simple book. While fictional stories come alive in our minds, the Word of God is alive and is life. More than text on a page, it lives and breathes within us. It is the inspired voice of God revealed to different people over time. Its pages help us understand God's will from before the creation of this earth through the creation of the new earth and our role in his plan. It is eternal; it existed before we were born and will live on after we are gone proclaiming the same truth and promise generation after generation.
Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for your Word. It is light, guide, strength, and defense. What we know of your greatness begins with your Word. Through that same Word, we are given your plan of deliverance. Please help us as we read your divinely inspired Word to understand and become your righteous children. Please give us the words to say in speaking with others, not ours but yours, that they may receive hope and encouragement. We pray this in Jesus' name; the Word made flesh. Amen.
Pastor Tim
