I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, on the basis of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable act of worship. Romans 12:1 (NRSVue)
Can you imagine loading up your sacrifice to go to church on Sunday morning? We think it's tough getting to church on time now, but think of how late we would be if we had to load Bessie into the F150 before heading to church. In the Old Testament, that's what bringing a sacrifice meant. You’d bring the very best of your herd to church, and the pastor would kill the animal and offer it in your place as an offering to God.
Thanks to the Father for sending the Son, that sacrificial system changed. He became the perfect living sacrifice so we might be redeemed. Though Jesus Christ has paid the price of our sins, God still requires a sacrifice. Instead of the ritual of bringing Bessie, we offer ourselves as living and holy sacrifices.
How do we offer our bodies as this living sacrifice?
Accept the Salvation: Accept the salvation offered in God’s mercy by recognizing Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He came so we might live.
Dedicate Ourselves: We commit to continually seeking God's face. We are on a continuous improvement plan that includes Bible study and prayer. We aren’t perfect yet, but we're getting there by obedience through the Holy Spirit.
Be Living Examples: Be living examples by showing love to our neighbors, demanding justice, and sharing the message of God’s love with the world.
Gracious and loving God, thank you for atoning our sins through your Son, Jesus Christ, the pure Lamb. We acknowledge that we are not worthy of such a gift and receive it only by your grace. We confess we are often disobedient and fail to be the examples we should be. Forgive us again, merciful God, and help us be the holy and living sacrifices you desire. Amen.
Pastor Tim
