Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8 NIV
Two areas in our house are prone to accumulate clutter the garage and the utility room. About every six months, we pull everything out, discard what we don't need, sweep the floors, and neatly arrange items to be kept. It all looks so good. But, soon, new things are brought in, other things are used and not placed back where they belong, and we repeat the activity six months later.
Unlike the six-month cycle we've grown used to, our spiritual selves require constant maintenance. When we accept Jesus, our sins are forgiven, and our hearts are made clean, but that's only the beginning; it takes work to keep them pure. Each day we are exposed to impurities that, if allowed, may create unwanted clutter. Soon, if not vigilant, the once clean space becomes filled with sin, one item at a time.
The good news is there's a simple solution–don't bring in the clutter. By keeping our minds focused on cleanliness, we avert the problem. We do this by adhering to good spiritual disciplines, reading and meditating upon God's word, communing with Jesus Christ in prayer, listening to the Holy Spirit, and obeying its guidance. The reward for maintaining pure hearts is enormous; we will see God.
Father, we thank you for the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus, who died for our sins. In accepting Christ as our Lord, our hearts are made pure. Yet, knowingly and unknowingly, we allow the clutter of sin to enter our hearts and minds. Father, forgive us, and help us to resist evil; by the Holy Spirit, may we keep our eyes focused on that day when we will see you. Amen.
Pastor TIm
