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And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV

Last week, I talked with Sandra, a trainer, friend, and sister in Christ at the gym, about form and its essential role in exercise. As often happens when we talk, the conversation takes a theological turn. 

I had gone to the gym for years, jumped on the treadmill, and lifted a few weights without considering form. That was good; it was better than doing nothing, but I got far more from the exercise by using the proper technique. Slowing down, paying closer attention to how I stood where I held the weight, and controlling my breathing improved my results. Also, a significant consideration for my aging body is that using the proper approach reduces the risk of injury.

Another thing I have learned about developing good form is that it takes practice. Unless I pay attention and put in the continual effort, I slip back into my old "loosey-goosey" techniques and fail to realize my full potential.

Good form isn't limited to exercise only. Everything we work to master begins with fundamental building blocks. We pay attention to those basics when we start something new until they become second nature and fluid. 

Spiritually, studying God's word and prayer serve as building blocks of faith. When we rush through them, we may get something from the exercises, but the results differ from when we become mindful of our form—slowing down to savor what the word is saying and controlling our prayer breath. We can even spend the same amount of time, but by being fully present, we get better results.

When we pay attention to our spiritual form, we become transformed. The more quality time we spend reading, meditating (spiritual breath), and praying, the more we leave behind our carnal form and become transformed into the likeness of Christ. In exercising good form, we become God-formed.

Heavenly Father, we come before you with hearts open and faces unveiled. We seek your presence and desire to reflect your glory. As we gaze upon Christ's beauty, our lives are transformed. 

Forgive us, Lord, for the times we have allowed our faith to grow complacent. We confess that we have sometimes lost our focus on Jesus. Renew our hearts and minds, and draw us closer to him. May we not merely seek to improve our old selves but be transformed by the Holy Spirit. Let our new life in Christ become more and more like Jesus with each passing hour. 

God, as we behold your glory, may it radiate from us and transform us from one degree of glory to another. May our thoughts, actions, and character increasingly resemble Christ. 

May the Holy Spirit guide and empower us to walk in spirit and truth. May Jesus be seen in us—in our words, deeds, and interactions. Let our lives be a testimony to your grace and love so others may encounter Jesus through our transformed hearts. 

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


Pastor Tim

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