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For Mother and Kingdom

“even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭20:28‬ ‭ESV‬‬

In Matthew 20:20-28, The mother of James and John asks Jesus if her boys can sit on his left and right side in his kingdom. It is not clear why the mother was asking. The boys were both with her, so had they asked her to ask Jesus? Or did she take it upon herself to ask Jesus and brought the boys along? Perhaps like all good mothers, she was just wanting what she thought was best for her boys. I can imagine Jesus’ response was not at all what she expected. He explained his kingdom wasn’t an earthly kingdom but a heavenly one. James and John would have a place, but contrary to the power and prestige she was probably hoping for them, there would be suffering. Unlike the Roman kingdom under which they lived, based on power and dominance, Christ’s kingdom was founded on service to others. Indeed, Jesus’ whole ministry was based on service; the miracles he performed, the message he preached, and the actions he took. The very giving of his life was done in service. As Christians, we are called to a life of service following Jesus’ example. What service is Christ calling you to today? Whatever it is do it joyfully for the furtherment of his heavenly kingdom.

Lord, we give you thanks for the example of Jesus’ life and his ultimate service for us. Help us live a life of service focused on the promise of the kingdom to come. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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